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Your Success is What Drives Us

The Peak was established by a group of experienced private tutors from a diverse background of international schools, universities and professions. Having personally experienced the international curriculum in Hong Kong and abroad (IB, GCSE, SAT®, A Levels), our founders and tutors recognise that students can achieve far greater academic success by supplementing their in-school education with individualised tuition.

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Study Group


At Peak, we take a holistic approach to all your future needs. In addition to academic excellency, we aim to provide students with the tools and knowledge to succeed in your post-secondary education and professional career.


Our first step is to assist students in realising their full academic potential. We cater to students individual learning styles, matching ideal tutors and creating study plans to overcome any challenges they might face. From our experience, we believe that successful individuals are fostered through multi-faceted academic growth with personal development.


Our second step is to guide students to realise their dreams and aspirations after secondary school. We have a diverse team of professional consultants in industries such as healthcare, finance, aviation, engineering and civil service. Students can be matched with industry experts to better understand their professions, guiding their university choices and career interview preparations.

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